News Updates

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DEC Dr. Zhang is elected to IEEE SPS and EURASIP Technical Committees on Array Signal Processing for three-year terms starting in January 2025.
AUG Dr. Zhang co-edits a book Information-Theoretic Radar Signal Processing which will be published from Wiley-IEEE Press in December 2024.
JUL Dr. Zhang gives a comprehensive tutorial "Do More with Less: Revolutionize Direction Finding with Sparse Arrays" in IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing (SAM) Workshop.
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SEP Dr. Zhang is named as an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguisher Lecturer.
JUL Dr. Zhang is awarded NSF and AFOSR grants to develop array processing techniques.
JUN Dr. Zhang is elected as Fellow of AAIA.
MAR Dr. Ahmed (former PhD student) and Dr. Zhang are awarded US patent "System and Method for Distributed Dual-Function Radar-Communication".
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APR Congratulations to Vaishali Amin for successfully defending her PhD dissertation.
APR Dr. Zhang is appointed as a senior area editor for IEEE Trans. Signal Processing.
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JUN Dr. Zhang helps found two IEEE groups on integrated sensing and communication (ISAC).
MAY Dr. Zhang receives the EURASIP Best Paper Award for Signal Processing.
JAN Congratulations to Ammar Ahmed for successfully defending his PhD dissertation.
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DEC Congratulations to Shuimei Zhang for successfully defending her PhD dissertation.
SEP Dr. Zhang is appointed as an Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
JUN Congratulations to Shuimei Zhang for receiving the best student paper award at IEEE SAM Workshop.
JAN Dr. Zhang is elevated to SPIE Fellow.
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NOV Dr. Zhang receives the IET Communications Premium Award.
MAY Congratulations to Dr. Si Qin (former PhD student) for receiving the IEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper award.
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NOV Dr. Zhang is elevated to IEEE Fellow.
NOV Dr. Zhang is elected as a member of the Signal Processing Theory and Methods (SPTM) Technical Committee of the IEEE SIgnal Processing Society.
APR Dr. Zhang receives the Mimno Award from the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.
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JUL Dr. Zhang is awarded a DURIP grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR).
MAY Congratulations to Ammar Ahmed for receiving the best student paper award at IEEE Radar Conference.
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NOV Dr. Zhang is awarded a contract from the Air Force Research Lab to develop novel techniques for over-the-horizon radar.
SEP Congratulations to Si Qin for successfully defending his PhD dissertation.
JUL Dr. Zhang receives the IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation Premium Award for the best paper published in 2015.
MAY Congratulations to Saurav Subedi for successfully defending his PhD dissertation.
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SEP Dr. Zhang is awarded an NSF grant to develop strategies for radio signal co-existence.
AUG Dr. Zhang is re-apppointed as an associate editor for IEEE Trans. Signal Processing.